A Proven Technique for Building Your Business
   The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
an InvestmentWires' Publication
Monday, March 27, 2000

A Proven Technique for Building Your Business

If you could grow your client base and increase revenues with a time-tested technique that costs little or no money, would you do it? Certainly you would.

Okay then, here goes. This technique is called public relations. For the purposes of this column, it's more specifically called media relations. What? I'm expecting you to open yourself up to the media?

The first lesson in public relations is to not let the word "media" scare you off. Yes, people are sometimes misquoted and "gotcha journalism" has been around since the invention of the printing press. But reporters and editors are human beings, too, and it just so happens that their line of work can be very beneficial to your business. Overcome any fear or doubts about "the press," and you will be amazed at the wonderful things media relations can do for your practice over time.

Media relations is a great way to grow your business and strengthen your credibility with prospects and existing clients. When people repeatedly see your name or your company's name in newspapers and magazines, hear you on the radio and see you on television, they begin to think of you as a real professional, a true expert in your field. And when they need the services you offer, they will remember you.

The flip side of this is that clients who already are using your expertise will feel even more comfortable with you because of your exposure through the media, and they will continue to give you business.

The fact is, you are a professional, an expert. Media relations helps you get that message through to thousands of people.

When you introduce a new product or service, bring it to the media's attention. If there's breaking news about the industry and you have a point of view that's newsworthy and that clients and prospects would appreciate knowing, contact the media and share it. Become a media source on an ongoing basis. The media is in the business of informing people, and you can help them do their job. At the same time, you generate an awareness of you and your company that money can't buy.

Over time, you will accumulate a collection of newspaper and magazine clips and radio and television transcripts. If you leverage them, they become very powerful marketing tools. Show a prospect some samples. Frame some of the most significant stories and hang them on the office wall. Photocopy these materials and send them as a direct-mail piece to your clients. Include them in your brochures.

Media relations can build your business because it's not advertising and people know it. They're savvy enough to realize you had to be deemed worthy by editors and reporters to get yourself the publicity. Customers and prospects want to do business with someone they respect and trust, and your publicity will create a level of comfort they will find quite attractive.

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