Fund Streak Lengthens
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fund Streak Lengthens

The streak continues, as longer-term mutual funds experienced the 53rd consecutive week of net inflows. The Wall Street Journal picked up on the Investment Company Institute's numbers in the Thursday's Fund Track.

Total estimated inflows were $13.45 billion in the week ended March 17, bringing the 53-week total streak to around $527 billion, according to the ICI.

Stock funds had inflows of $3.51 billion, with $1.55 billion coming from U.S. stock funds.

Bond funds fared notably better, receiving $9.24 billion, up from $8.85 billion a week prior. Hybrid funds had inflows of $990 million, a dip from last week's $1.07 billion.

Money-market funds, on the other hand, continued their negative streak, with outflows of $3.08 billion, according to data from iMoneyNet, bringing total 2010 outflows to $272 billion. Last week, money funds dropped $74.63 billion in assets as corporations made quarterly tax payments.

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