A New York Asset Manager Rebrands
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A New York Asset Manager Rebrands

Roosevelt Investment Group has rebranded to Roosevelt Investments. The Manhattan-based asset manager also relaunched its Web site and updated its logo. Roosevelt is the adviser to the $152 million Roosevelt Multi Cap Fund.

Adam Sheer
Roosevelt Investments
The changes are "emblematic of the transformation going on at the firm," said president Adam Sheer in an interview with The MFWire. "We're not the same firm we were five years ago."

Roosevelt tapped Harborside Group, which also handles PR for the firm, for the rebranding and Web site redesign.

Roosevelt implemented the changes three weeks ago.

The old brand, Roosevelt Investment Group, was a "little cumbersome," Sheer said. "When we talk to advisors and clients, we refer to ourselves as Roosevelt Investments."

The name Roosevelt Investment Group is not entirely gone, however. It remains the firm's legal name.

Sheer's father, Arthur, started Sheer Asset Managemet in 1990. In 2002, the firm purchased Roosevelt Investment Group, which was founded by President Theodore Roosevelt's cousin, J. James Roosevelt, in 1971. Sheer Asset Management then adopted the Roosevelt name.

President Roosevelt's photo continues to be displayed prominently on the Web site and the bull moose remains part of the company's logo. In the new logo, the name "Roosevelt Investments" is superimposed over the silhouette of a bull moose.

Sheer described the new site as "more of a destination," compared to the previous one, "which was more of a brochure."

"We wanted the Web site to really reflect who we are," Sheer said. "We're not a mom-and-pop shop anymore."

He noted that at the beginning of 2008, the firm had $1.7 billion in total assets and now it has just under $5 billion.

In March, Roosevelt revealed plans to make two to four acquisitions within the next four years and brought on board David Chalfin as its M&A point man.

Aside from running the mutual fund, Roosevelt manages money for institutional investors such as foundations, endowments and Taft-Hartley clients.

Asked whether Roosevelt plans to offer another mutual fund, Sheer said the firm is incubating a large cap core strategy in a separate account vehicle and might consider offering that in a mutual fund format, though not in the near future.

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