Bob Reynolds: The Ship Has Definitely Turned
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Bob Reynolds: The Ship Has Definitely Turned

Bob Reynolds
Putnam Investments
The Boston Globe's Todd Wallack checked in with Putnam Investments [see profile], which is nearly three years into the Bob Reynolds era.

"The ship has definitely turned," Reynolds told Wallack. "If you look at our performance across the board, it is pretty outstanding."

The article, published over the weekend, noted that Putnam's mutual funds have seen significant improvements in the last two years. Also, for the first time in a decade, inflows into the funds are bigger than outflows.

But Putnam has yet to fully banish the shadow placed over the firm by the trading scandal.

Wallack interviewed Jeff Bogue, a financial planner based in Wells, Maine, who said that to this day, he still would not recommend Putnam funds to his clients.

"There's got to be a lot of time and effort made to regain my trust," Bogue told Wallack.

On the other hand, there are also those that say Putnam's recent performance makes it deserving of a second look.

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