Columbia Threads the Branding Needle
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Monday, January 12, 2015

Columbia Threads the Branding Needle

Say goodbye to Columbia Management and Threadneedle Investments, and say hello to Columbia Threadneedle Investments [profile].

Beth Healy of the Boston Globe reports that Minneapolis-based Ameriprise Financial is combining the brands of Boston-based Columbia and UK-based Threadneedle. Combined they work with about $505 billion in assets, putting them 30th among global investment managers.

Ameriprise made the news official this morning, as expected.

"This is a big step for us," Ted Truscott, chief of global asset management at Ameriprise, tells the Globe. "We are not doing this for show."

Columbia is amalgam of a host of brands combined over the years. On the flip side, Threadneedle is a largely unknown brand in the U.S. outside of large institutional investors, yet it is a storied brand in the UK.

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