A Trade Group Chief Will Retire Next Year
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Friday, October 11, 2019

A Trade Group Chief Will Retire Next Year

The president and CEO of a mutual fund industry trade group, the Mutual Fund Directors Forum (MFDF), will retire next year.

Susan Ferris Wyderko
Mutual Fund Directors Forum
President, CEO
Susan Ferris Wyderko, president and CEO of the Washington D.C.-based Mutual Fund Directors Forum, has revealed that she will retire in the fall of 2020. She joined MFDF in 2006 as an executive director, and in 2012 she rose to president and CEO.

Kay Dryden, the chair of MFDF, states that Wyderko "has enhanced [MFDF's] role as a highly respected voice in the industry."

Wyderko and Dryden have not yet revealed a successor to take over when Wyderko retires.

Prior to joining MFDF, Wyderko worked at the SEC as a director in the office of investor education and as acting director in the Division of Investment Management. She is currently a member of the Investor Advisory Committee at the SEC and a member of the National Adjudicatory Council, a FINRA committee.

Washington, D.C.-based Wyderko is an alumna of Wellesley College and earned her J.D. from Cornell Law School.

MFDF is a non-profit organization founded in 2002. Its members include more than 1,075 independent directors who represent 137 mutual fund groups.

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