Consumer, Leisure Portfolios Get New Managers
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Consumer, Leisure Portfolios Get New Managers

John D. Roth, currently manager of Fidelity Select Multimedia Portfolio, will take on management of three additional funds -- Fidelity Select Consumer Industries Portfolio, Fidelity Advisor Consumer Industries Fund, and VIP Consumer Industries Portfolio.

Roth takes the title from Joshua Spencer. A spokesperson did not immediately return a call seeking comment on Spencer.

Also taking over for a Spencer-run portfolio is Aaron M. Cooper. Cooper will manage the Select Leisure Portfolio, a fund with $203 million in assets.

Cooper joined Fidelity as a full-time research analyst in 2000, and Roth in 1999.

Spencer left the firm for personal reasons, said Sophie Launay, a Fidelity spokeswoman.

Launay characterized the appointments as a "typical rotation of industry assignments among our equity analysts."

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