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Rating:Evergreen To Merge Funds Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Evergreen To Merge Funds

Reported by Armie Margaret Lee

Evergreen Investments, the asset management arm of Wachovia Corp., plans to fold its Strategic Value Fund into its Disciplined Value Fund. The proposed merger, which has already been approved by the board of trustees, will be taken up at a shareholder meeting on June 23.

The plan to consolidate the funds stemmed from "an ongoing evaluation of our product line," said Laura Fay, a spokesperson at the Boston-based firm. "They have similar investment objectives."

She added that the two funds share the same manager, William Zieff.

As of end-February, the Strategic Value Fund had assets of $520 million, while the Disciplined Value Fund had $226 million.

If approved by the shareholders, the merger will take place on or about June 26.  

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