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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aguilar Gets the Thumbs Up

by: Erin Kello

The SEC is up one commissioner today. Luis Aguilar, who once served as Invesco's general counsel, was sworn in Thursday as commissioner. Aguilar was nominated by George Bush in the spring to fill one of the Democratic commission seats left vacant by the departures of Roel Campos and Annette Nazareth. He was appointed by the President on June 30.

Prior to joining the SEC, Aguilar was a partner in the Atlanta office of international law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP.

SEC Press Release

Washington, D.C., July 31, 2008 — Luis A. Aguilar was sworn in today as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Appointed by President George W. Bush on June 30, 2008, Commissioner Aguilar was sworn in by his longtime friend and law school colleague, Chief Judge Matthew O. Simmons of the Superior Court of the Clayton, Ga., Judicial Circuit, during a ceremony held at the SEC’s Atlanta Regional Office where he once worked.

Prior to being appointed to the Commission, Aguilar worked as a partner in the Atlanta office of international law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, where among other things he focused on corporate governance, public and private offerings, mutual funds, investment advisers and broker-dealers, and other aspects of federal and state securities laws and regulations. Commissioner Aguilar served as a staff attorney during his previous tenure at the SEC from April 1979 to January 1982.

SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said, “The wealth of talent and experience that Commissioner Aguilar brings to the Commission will be invaluable as we move forward with our busy agenda to further enhance investor protections, facilitate capital formation in our economy, and improve financial markets regulation. It is a pleasure to welcome him back to the SEC.”

Commissioner Aguilar said, “It is a great privilege to work once again with the SEC, where I began my legal career. I am honored to have this opportunity to serve the investing public and capital markets. I view this as a wonderful challenge and I look forward to fulfilling my responsibilities. I recognize the important trust I hold.”

Commissioner Aguilar also has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to community service, devoting countless hours to numerous charitable causes. In 2007, he received the Justice Robert Benham Award for Community Service from the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism of the Supreme Court of Georgia. He also was named one of the “100 Influential” Hispanics in the U.S. in 2006 by Hispanic Business Magazine, and was named the Latino Attorney of the Year for 2005 by the Hispanic National Bar Association.

Commissioner Aguilar received his B.S. from Georgia Southern University in 1976, and his J.D. from the University of Georgia School of Law in 1979. He also received a master of laws degree in taxation from Emory University in 1985.

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