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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Old Mutual Bets on Real Estate

News summary by MFWire's editors

Old Mutual has launched a new fund. The Denver-based firm on Monday took the wraps off the Old Mutual Heitman Global Real Estate Securities Fund, which will invest in both foreign and US real estate companies. The fund offers class I shares.

Company Press Release

DENVER, CO (August 25, 2008) – Old Mutual Capital has announced the launch of Old Mutual Heitman Global Real Estate Securities Fund (“the Fund”). The Fund will invest primarily in securities of both U.S. and foreign real estate companies and companies related to the real estate industry.

“We expect the continued growth of the global economy to create real estate opportunities both within and outside the U.S.,” says Bruce Johnston, Chief Executive Officer of Old Mutual Investment Partners, a subsidiary of Old Mutual Capital. “This can enable long-term investors to prospectively enjoy current income and capital appreciation from an asset class that does not necessarily mirror the broad equities markets.”

Old Mutual Capital is the investment adviser to the Fund, which employs Heitman-US, Heitman Europe and Challenger as sub-advisors. As of June 30, 2008, Heitman -US, and Heitman Europe have $22.4 billion AUM and Challenger has $49 billion AUM. Heitman-US manages the investment of the Fund’s assets in publicly traded North American securities and supervises the Fund’s other sub-advisers, who manage the investment of the Fund’s assets in publicly traded European and Asia-Pacific securities. The Fund is subject to the overall supervision of Old Mutual Capital.

“The Fund’s stock selection is driven by the sub-advisors’ common view of underlying regional trends and opportunities, as well as by fundamentals-based stock selection,” said Timothy Pire, managing director and portfolio manager at Heitman. “We look closely at the real estate held by each individual company considered for our portfolio, and at each company’s executive management team.”

Securities in which the Fund may invest include common stocks, preferred stocks, convertible securities and other equity securities, including real estate investment trusts (REITs) and REIT-like entities.

The Fund’s portfolio will normally invest in at least three or more regions, including the U.S. Primarily the Fund invests in developed market countries, though it may invest up to 15% of its total assets in real estate securities of companies in emerging market countries.

The Fund offers Class I shares.

About Old Mutual Capital

Denver-based Old Mutual Capital, Inc. (OMCAP) is an investment advisory firm. OMCAP operates the full service mutual fund and managed account platform of Old Mutual Asset Management, the U.S. asset management group of Old Mutual plc (London Stock Exchange: OML). Old Mutual Capital, Inc. together with its wholly owned subsidiary, Old Mutual Investment Partners, offer unique and timely investment solutions including asset allocation funds, sub-advised mutual funds, and separately managed accounts. All are managed by institutional asset managers either affiliated with or in a partnership with Old Mutual Asset Management. Old Mutual Asset Management (OMAM), is a multi-national asset management business with more than $316.8 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2008.

About Old Mutual Investment Partners

Old Mutual Investment Partners (OMIP) a wholly owned subsidiary of Old Mutual Capital (OMCAP), offers unique and timely investment solutions including asset allocation funds, sub-advised mutual funds and separately managed accounts. The Old Mutual Funds are distributed by Old Mutual Investment Partners, Member FINRA. Separately Managed Accounts are offered by Old Mutual Capital, Inc, a federally registered investment advisor.

“Old Mutual” is the marketing name for the affiliated companies of Old Mutual plc, a global financial services organization. Old Mutual Investment Partners is the distributor for the Old Mutual Funds I, II, and III and is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Old Mutual plc. More information on Old Mutual Capital, Inc. and its products and strategies is available from the firm’s website at www.oldmutualfunds.com, where a prospectus containing important information, including information about a mutual fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses can be found and should be read carefully and considered before investing or sending money.

Edited by: Erin Kello

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