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Rating:T. Rowe, RidgeWorth Bag Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, March 25, 2010

T. Rowe, RidgeWorth Bag "Overall" Awards

Reported by Stephanie Bernhard

Mutual fund marketers are busy trumpeting their products' success in last night's Lipper Fund Awards held at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. T. Rowe Price and RidgeWorth Funds came out on top at the awards ceremony, bagging the "Overall Large" group prize and "Overall Small" group prize, respectively.

RidgeWorth also earned a group prize in the "Mixed Assets Small" category.

Other big winners included PIMCO, which took home the group award in the "Equity Large" category, and Janus, which won for "Mixed Assets Large."

Among the fund firms that have come out with press releases so far are T. Rowe, Munder Capital Management, Delaware Investments, Janus Capital Group and Old Mutual

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