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Rating:Could the Senate Be in a Former Fidelity Honcho's Future? Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, January 3, 2011

Could the Senate Be in a Former Fidelity Honcho's Future?

News summary by MFWire's editors

Bob Pozen

How does Senator Bob Pozen sound?

The former Fidelity [see profile] executive and current MFS Investment Management [see profile] chairman emeritus and Harvard lecturer "has been seriously talking to party insiders about challenging Brown," according to a recent Boston Herald article.

Brown, of course, is Massachussetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who won the election last January for the seat previously occupied by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

The December 23 Herald article also stated that Pozen has not made up his mind yet.

On December 29, Felicia Sonmez wrote in the Washington Post's The Fix blog that Pozen's name is among those floated as possible contenders in 2012.

Pozen worked at Fidelity from 1987 to 2001. He rose to become vice chairman of Fidelity Investments and president of FMR Co., the investment adviser to the Boston Behemoth's mutual funds.

In late 2001 and 2002, Pozen was part of President Bush's Commission to Strengthen Social Security and in 2003 became one of two Democrats who served in former Gov. Mitt Romney's cabinet.

Before his Fidelity days, he was a partner at Washington D.C. law firm Capline & Drysdale. His resume also includes a stint as associate general counsel to the SEC. 

Edited by: Armie Margaret Lee

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