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Rating:e529 Resource Taps iEnroll Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, November 15, 2002

e529 Resource Taps iEnroll

by: Ki Kim

Savingforcollege.com, which provides investor and advisor information for 529 plans, is now utilizing a component of Pyxis Consultings' iEnroll - 529 framework, the college savings calculator.

The iEnroll 529 College Savings Calculator allows visitors to the site to model hypothetical estimates of monthly or yearly college savings needs based on costs, the amount of current savings and projected return on investments.

"Its important that investors have a benchmark understanding of their savings needs before they enroll in a 529 plan," said Joe Hurley, who heads Savingforcollege.com. "Enrolling in a 529 plan is a good start towards the future, but knowing how much to save makes a huge difference in achieving educational goals. The Pyxis calculator is the most intuitive and simple hypothetical tool we have seen for this purpose and we think it will really help investors arm themselves with the information they need to reach their savings goals."

"The iEnroll 529 College Savings Calculator allows our clients to build fully customized online enrollment experiences," said Christopher Willis, director of marketing for Pyxis Consulting. 

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