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Rating:Stork and Reaper for August 10, 2012  Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, August 10, 2012

Stork and Reaper for August 10, 2012

Reported by JY

The Stork delivered a couple of new funds today.

Congress Asset Management Company [profile] filed for its All Cap Opportunity Fund and Mid Cap Growth Fund. The All Cap Opportunity Fund will be managed by Daniel Lagan and Peter Andersen. The Mid Cap Growth Fund will be managed by Lagan and Todd Solomon. [SEC Filing]

It looks like the Reaper took the day off for no funds were closed.

Other funds are being reorganized.

Massachusetts Fund Services [profile] will be reorganizing the Mid Cap Growth Portfolio into the Mid Cap Growth Series. It is scheduled to occur on August 17, 2012. [SEC Filing]

Virtus Investment Partners [profile] filed to fold its Value Equity Fund into its Quality Large-Cap Value Fund. As of August 9, 2012, the Value Equity Fund has $42 million in AUM and has been rated four stars by Morningstar. They also filed to fold its Core Equity Fund into its Growth & Income Fund. As of August 9, 2012, the Core Equity Fund has $40.4 million in AUM, according to data on Morningstar. These reorganizations are expected to be completed on October 5, 2012, if the plan is approved by the shareholders.

State Street Global Advisors [profile] added a new PM, Charles Moon, to its High Yield Bond Fund. The fund has a four star rating from Morningstar, as well as $113.4 million in AUM. [SEC Filing]

Calvert Investments [profile] has appointed Vishal Khanduja to help manage the Ultra-Short Income Fund and the Government Fund. [SEC Filing]

Kyle Pankratz from Integrity Funds resigned as co-PM from the Dividend Harvest Fund. The fund will continue to be managed by Shannon Radke, Josh Larson and Michael Morey. [SEC Filing]  

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