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Rating:M* Analysts Take Silver from T. Rowe After a PM Change Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

M* Analysts Take Silver from T. Rowe After a PM Change

News summary by MFWire's editors

Some more PM changes have hitMorningstar's radar screen.

In particular, two PMs are retiring, one from T. Rowe Price [profile] and the other from Mair & Power [profile] , leading Morningstar to adjust one of the fund's ratings.

Morningstar changed its rating on T. Rowe PriceSmall Cap from Silver to Bronze after its PM lineup changed from Preston Athey to David Wagner. Russel Kinnel writes that there is uncertainty over Wagner's talent being equal to Athey's, even though Wagner has been an associate PM on the fund since 2005 and has a fine five-year track record.

Kinnell writes that Mairs & Power Growth fund's Silver rating will stay Silver, in part because there is only one strategy to know, and in part because Bill Freis' replacement, Mark Henneman, has co-managed the fund since 2006, and has a bigger role in fund management than Wagner.

To read more, click here

Edited by: Casey Quinlan

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