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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pershing's Sandy Bolton Has Four Distribution Tips

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

So, Pershing's Sandy Bolton has some tips for you.

Why should you listen? Bolton is the executive in charge of Pershing's $415-billion mutual fund custody operations (including the $101-billion non-transaction Fundvest platform) who led the development of the FundVest 200 list, which might shake up the way select lists may work in fund distribution.

Previously, MFWire ran some of Bolton's insights on what she believes are the big trends in fund distribution.

Now, here are Bolton's four quick pointers for fundsters on how to bolster distribution.

1. If you can afford the distribution costs, get on the non-transaction fee FundVest platform. Being on the platform is the only way you can become eligible for a chance on the FundVest list. If you are on the platform, but don't get on the list, well, advisors really don't want to pay transaction costs any more.
2. If you are on FundVest, use the Albridge data tools. Albridge is data aggregation and customized interface company that is part of Pershing and it provides flow reports to fundsters, including data related to advisors. Fund sponsors often forget they can access this data. "Just go to Albridge," Bolton says. "It's a wholesaling dream."
3. Contribute materials to the Mutual Fund Center The Mutual Fund Center is a portal to fund sponsor white papers, research and other materials that advisors can access via Pershing's NetX360. It educates advisors and their clients and generates awareness of your investing talent.
4. Go to the Pershing Investment Managers SymposiumThis event, which is usual held in March, gathers all the fund sponsors who participate in the custody programs so they can converse, gossip, kvetch and otherwise learn all the ways you can succeed on the platform.

Who knows, you go the symposium enough, you won't need us to nag you about all the little things you should be doing.  

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