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Rating:Filings for Fundsters - June 26, 2017 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, June 26, 2017

Filings for Fundsters - June 26, 2017

by: Waiho Zhang

People Moves

On June 20, Andrew G. Arnott, the president of several John Hancock Trusts Funds, has been appointed a non-independent trustee in place of Craig Bromley, who left on his position on June 15.

On June 22, Peter A. Feinstein resigned his position as trustee of the Nile Capital Investment Trust.

On June 23, Neal Rosenberg of Voya Investments became the assistant portfolio manager of the VY Baron Growth Portfolio.


Fund Updates

On June 12, the BlackRock Large Cap Core Fund became the BlackRock Advantage Large Cap Core Fund.

On June 23, the Calamos High Income Fund became the Calamos High Income Opportunity Fund and started using the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index as its new benchmark index.



On August 16, the WisdomTree Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, WisdomTree Western Asset Unconstrained Bond Fund, and WisdomTree Global Real Return Fund will liquidate.  

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