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Rating:A 9-Year M* Vet Takes Over a Key Report Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, April 30, 2018

A 9-Year M* Vet Takes Over a Key Report

Reported by Brian Bonilla

Kevin McDevitt, senior analyst at Morningstar, will be the new author of the monthly Morningstar Direct Asset Flows Commentary: United States report.

McDevitt is responsible for researching and writing articles based on data, particularly pertaining to investments. Previously the report was authored by another senior analyst, Alina Lamy. She has been working for Morningstar since 2006. She is in responsible for translating data, specifically pertaining to financial markets, into charts, presentation materials, and articles.

Lamy wasn't immediately available for comment.

"Alina’s still at Morningstar, we’re just transitioning responsibility for the flows report. I wrote the report five or so years ago," McDevitt tells MFWire.

McDevitt has worked with M* for over nine years. He is an alumnus of the College of William & Mary and received his M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis.

Lamy is an Illinois Institute of Technology alumna. 

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