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Rating:After 47 Years, an Industry STAR Rebrands Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

After 47 Years, an Industry STAR Rebrands

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A mutual fund industry trade group is rebranding to encompass other types of investment products.

Today the Mutual Fund Education Alliance (MFEA) transformed into the Investment Management Education Alliance (IMEA), confirms director Kimber Lintz. The change "reflects the evolution of the industry" and has been in the works for the past 12 to 18 months, Lintz says, and came out of work by an MFEA commitee.

"We think it's reflective of the organization and the industry and definitely our members," Lintz tells MFWire. "We are acknowledging the products that are out there."

These days most asset managers offer a host of different products, including collective investment trusts, REITs, closed-end funds, separately managed accounts, ETFs, and of course traditional open-end mutual funds. It's important for the IMEA to "expand education around the various products that are out there for investors to consider."

"We are looking to expand upon our advisor education," Lintz adds.

Meanwhile, IMEA will continue to host events via its executive council program, and the organization will continue to recognize industry education and communication excellence via its STAR Awards.

The trade group was founded in 1971 as the No-Load Mutual Fund Association, purely to educate investors about investing in mutual funds directly. As the industry evolved, in 1990 the group rebranded as the MFEA. 

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