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Rating:A Multinational AM Hunts For International Equity Specialists Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, December 10, 2018

A Multinational AM Hunts For International Equity Specialists

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A publicly traded Australian multinational with a big U.S. presence is still on the hunt for strategic asset management expansion, possibly through M&A.

Shawn K. Lytle
Macquarie Group / Macquarie Investment Management / Delaware Funds
U.S. Country Head / Deputy Global Head / President
Word is that Macquarie Group's Macquarie Investment Management [profile] is currently lifting out an emerging market debt team. Meanwhile, Shawn Lytle, deputy global head of Philadelphia-based Macquarie IM and U.S. country head for Sydney-based Macquarie Group, expects that they'll make one more strategic move in the international equities area, on the core to growth side of the spectrum.

Lytle talked with MFWire on the sidelines of Macquarie IM's 2019 market outlook media luncheon last week.

"We're continuing to expand," Lytle told reporters during the Q&A.

In terms of investment management capability expansion, Lytle tells MFWire that hiring, small liftouts and even M&A are on the table. He's most interested in boutiques whose AUM falls roughly in the $5 billion to $10 billion range. Macquarie IM now has $253.3 billion in AUM. 

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