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Rating:The New Fund Fuss - August 29, 2016 Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, August 29, 2016

The New Fund Fuss - August 29, 2016

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Company: BlackRock

New Fund: the BlackRock Impact Bond Fund

BlackRock unveiled the new bond fund on August 25. The new fund "aims to generate competitive financial returns while investing in measurable social and environmental outcomes", and the fund is powered by BlackRock's model based fixed income team.

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Company: First Trust

New Funds: the First Trust Horizon Managed Volatility Domestic ETF and the First Trust Horizon Managed Volatility Developed International ETF

First Trust has launched these two new ETFs. They aim to " provide capital appreciation while attempting to mitigate volatility using a proprietary quantitative and rules-based investment process."

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Company: Charles Schwab Investment Management

New Funds: the Schwab Target Index Funds

Schwab unveiled the new target date fund series on August 25. These TDFs are portfolios of Schwab's own ETFs, and Schwab is touting these TDFs as "the lowest-cost target date mutual funds available to employer-sponsored retirement plans."

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Company: Raffery Asset Management's Direxion Funds

New Fund: the Direxion Daily European Financials Bear 1X Shares ETF (EUFS)

Direxion unveiled the new ETF on August 10.

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Company: Fidelity

New Fund: the Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

The Boston Behemoth unveiled the new fund.

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Company: iSectors, Virtus ETF Advisers

New Fund: the iSectors Post-MPT Growth ETF

iSectors teamed up with Virtus to launch the first iSectors ETF, unveiled on August 17.

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Company: Investment Research Corporation

New Fund: the American Growth Fund, Series Two

On August 8, IRC launched what it claims is "the first cannabis focused mutual fund."

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To learn more about recent fund launches, check our most recent New Fund Fuss here. For information about SEC filings or new hires, check out our latest Filings For Fundsters and People on the Move columns, respectively. If you have a fund filing that you would like to point out, a mutual fund launch, product change or new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com. 

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