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Rating:MFDF Lures SEC's Wyderko Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

MFDF Lures SEC's Wyderko

by: Marie Glancy

Did Susan Ferris Wyderko develop a taste for fund governance during her stint as acting head of the SEC's Investment Management Division?

The Commission announced Tuesday that Wyderko will depart by the end of this month to take up a position as executive director of non-profit fund governance advocate the Mutual Fund Directors Forum.

Director of its Office of Investor Education and Assistance since 2000, Wyderko was best known to the fund industry as the acting director of the Division of Investment Management during the first months of this year. In April, chairman Christopher Cox appointed Merrill Lynch counsel Andrew "Buddy" Donohue to fill the post permanently, a move that returned Wyderko to her usual post -- but not for long, it turns out.  

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