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MFWire: Vantagepoint Funds
To Update this information contact Editors@InvestmentWires.com or call Armie Lee at 212-331-8995 x111.

Vantagepoint Investment Advisers LLC
777 North Capitol Street, NE
Ste 600
Washington, DC  20002-4240
Google Maps

Main Phone: 202-962-4600
Web Site: http://www.icmarc.org

Mutual Fund Brand(s)
Vantagepoint Funds

Research Links
  • SEC Fund Filings by CIK

  • Background:
    Vantagepoint Investment Advisors is a subsidiary of Washington, D.C.-based ICMA-RC, a retirement plan recordkeeper that specializes in supporting 457s, i.e. defined contribution plans for state and local governments.

    In October 2016, Vantagepoint liquidated its $16.9-billion Vantagepoint Funds family to shift to a different product structure, collective funds. Collective funds are mutual-fund-like pooled investments governed by banking regulations, not securities, and their flexible pricing and institutional nature make them common offerings inside defined contribution retirement plans.
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    Key People:
    Story Archive for Vantagepoint Investment Advisers LLC
    Published On Story Headline Publication
    3/15/2019 The Fundster 401k Roundup, March 9-15 MFWire.com
    10/3/2016 A $17B Subadvised Fund Family Will Liquidate This Month MFWire.com
    9/29/2016 A Bundled RKer Is Exiting the Mutual Fund Biz 401kWire.com
    9/23/2016 Filings for Fundsters - September 23, 2016 MFWire.com
    1/14/2016 After Two Decades With Wellington, a Partner Departs MFWire.com
    10/14/2015 Vantagepoint Adds Two Subadvisors and Drops One MFWire.com
    7/10/2013 A Vantagepoint Fund Samples No Longer MFWire.com
    3/26/2013 M* Analysts Target Another Category MFWire.com
    1/25/2013 Stork and Reaper for the Week of January 22, 2013 MFWire.com
    2/3/2012 Changes are Afoot at VantagePoint MFWire.com
    8/11/2010 Are Target Date Funds Getting Cheaper? MFWire.com
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