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MFWire: Ramius
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Ramius, LLC
599 Lexington Avenue
20th Floor
New York, NY  10022
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Main Phone: 212-845-7900
Web Site: http://www.cowen.com/

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  • Background:
    Peter Cohen, former Chairman and CEO of Shearson Lehman Brothers, founded Ramius in 1994 by with Jeffrey Solomon, a former CAO and Head of Corporate Development at Republic New York Securities Corp founded Ramius in 1994. Salomon Brothers veteran Thomas Strauss and Morgan Stark, former President and CEO of Chemical Securities, signed on with the firm soon thereafter.

    Cohen named the firm after the protaganist in Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red October" who seizes a Soviet submarine. The name means "good captain."1

    A decade later Ramius merged its fund of funds business with Bayerische Hypo-Vereinsbank AG (HVB) to create Ramius Fund of Funds Group. Ramius continued to control the day-to-day decisions of the group.

    In Novemnber 2009, Ramius combined with Cowen Group, Inc. to create Cowen Group, Inc.
    1 - The Wall Street Journal, Nov 28, 2009
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    Key People:
    Peter Cohen
    Principal, Ramius Securities, L.L.C.
    Thomas Strauss
    Founder and Principal Member, Ramius
    David Goracy
    Managing Partner, Ramius
    Story Archive for Ramius, LLC
    Published On Story Headline Publication
    5/6/2014 Ramius' Sussman Talks Manager Research and Marketing MFWire.com
    1/8/2014 Merrill's Hedge Strategist Becomes Ramius' First Alts Head MFWire.com
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    6/28/2013 Ramius Says Goodbye to a Trading Advisor MFWire.com
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    5/22/2012 Alts Mutual Fund PMs Woo Reporters MFWire.com
    9/23/2011 Ramius Launches Its Second Fund MFWire.com
    12/6/2010 UMB Fund Services Trumpets the New Additions to its Mutual Fund Client List MFWire.com
    7/22/2010 Ramius Hedges its Bets MFWire.com
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