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MFWire: Palmer Square
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Palmer Square Capital Management LLC
11300 Tomahawk Creek Parkway
Suite 200
Leawood, KS  66211
Google Maps

Main Phone: 816-994-3200
Web Site: http://www.palmersquarecap.com/

Mutual Fund Brand(s)
Palmer Square

Research Links

Palmer Square Capital Management is a manager of hedge fund-of-funds partnerships and customized alternative investment solutions.

It launched its first mutual fund — the Palmer Square Absolute Return Fund (PSQAX, PSQIX) -- in May of 2011.

Palmer Square is an affiliate of multi-boutique Montage Investments [profile].
Sponsored Opportunities

Key People:
Chris Long
President, Co-PM, Palmer Square Capital Management
Angie Long
Chief Investment Officer, Palmer Square Capital Management
Adam Jones
Senior Vice President, Palmer Square Capital Management
Brian Scharf
Senior Vice President, Palmer Square Capital Management
Emily Colella
Managing Director - Business Development, Palmer Square Capital Management
Kyra Floyd
Vice President, Palmer Square Capital Management
Brooke Myers
Analyst, Palmer Square Capital Management
John Pecis
Analyst, Palmer Square Capital Management
Story Archive for Palmer Square Capital Management LLC
Published On Story Headline Publication
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6/26/2023 Envestnet's Active Passive Funds Net $339MM MFWire.com
5/19/2023 Outflows Fall 98 Percent Among the Smallest Firms MFWire.com
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5/31/2017 Filings for Fundsters - May 31, 2017 MFWire.com
4/3/2017 Filings for Fundsters - April 3, 2017 MFWire.com
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12/12/2013 Multi-Hedger Mutual Funds Catch WSJ's Eye MFWire.com
10/15/2013 Hedge Fund-of-Funds Manager Launches a Third Mutual Fund MFWire.com
6/18/2013 A $16B Boutique Manager Aims to Beat Last Quarter's 20 Percent AUM Growth MFWire.com
6/18/2013 A Boutique Manager Hits $16B MFWire.com
1/15/2013 More Credit Coverage Planned by a Montage Shop MFWire.com
1/8/2013 A Montage Boutique Does a Square Deal MFWire.com
9/26/2012 Expect a Sales Expansion at a Montage Boutique MFWire.com
5/29/2012 Montage's Affiliate Readies Another Alts Fund MFWire.com
2/6/2012 Montage Slows its Acquisition and Launch Rates MFWire.com
5/19/2011 Palmer Square Makes its Mutual Fund Debut MFWire.com
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