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Rating:Watch For This $100B Shop's U.S. ETF Arm to Expand Post-Merger Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Watch For This $100B Shop's U.S. ETF Arm to Expand Post-Merger

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A giant, multinational asset manager is acquiring a U.S. ETF business and preparing to nearly double its U.S. ETF lineup.

Kevin Kelly
Recon Capital Advisors
Chief Investment Officer & Managing Partner
Kevin Kelly of Recon Capital Advisors confirms that, once the firm merges into Mirae's [profile] Horizon ETFs Management USA (the deal is expected to close by the end of January), more ETFs are coming. Combined, Horizon and Recon currently have five U.S. ETFs with about $150 million in AUM total.

"We're looking to significantly increase that," Kelly tells MFWire. "We're looking to launch about three to four more products within the first half of the year. We have a nice business plan and model."

On November 1, New York City-based Horizon unveiled an agreement to buy Recon Capital Advisors from Stamford, Connecticut-based Recon Capital Partners. Kelly confirms that, once the deal closes, Horizon will have nine people in the U.S.: five from Recon, two from Horizon prior to the deal, and two new hires.

"The entire team is coming over," Kelly says.

Kelly, currently chief investment officer at Recon Capital Advisors, and Garrett Paolella, CEO of RCA, will lead Horizon's U.S. ETF business as managing directors, reporting to Taeyong Lee, president and global head of Mirae Asset Global Investment's ETF business.

The combined U.S. operation will use the Horizon ETFs Management (USA) brand going forward, not the Recon Capital Advisors brand. 

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