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MFWire: Rainier Funds
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Rainier Investment Management
601 Union Street
Suite 2801
Seattle, WA 98101
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Main Phone: 800-280-6111
Web Site:
Mutual Fund Brand(s)
Rainier Funds
Research Links
SEC Fund Filings by CIK
In December 2015 Rainier unveiled a deal to sell a 75-percent stake to publicly-traded mutual fund shop Manning & Napier.
Founded as a part of Rainier Bancorp, the investment firm eventually became a subsidiary of Security Pacific Bancorporation Northwest after the two banks merged in the 1980s.
On May 1, 1991 Klukwan Inc -- a Juneau, Alaska-based native village corporation -- financed the management-led buyout of Ranier Investment Management from Security Pacific. The buyout gave Rainier minority-owned business status, qualifying it for certain federally mandated investment funds.
It operates a satellite office in New York City.
Rainier offers a lineup of no-load mutual funds.
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Key People:
Kirk Polk Principal and CEO, Rainier Investment Management | Jim Ridgeway Principal, President, Rainier Investment Management | Melodie Zakaluk Partner, Chief Operating Officer, GQG Partners, LLC |