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Monday, April 3, 2017

Previewing Tiburon and More in NYC, NICSA in Beantown

News summary by MFWire's editors

Chip Roame and others are gathering fundsters early today in New York City. Meanwhile, later this week Jim Fitzpatrick will gather fundsters in Beantown.

Chip Roame
Tiburon Strategic Advisors
Managing Partner
Tonight, Roame and his Tiburon Strategic Advisors team will kick off their 32nd Tiburon CEO Summit, starting with an evening cocktail reception at the Battery Park Ritz Carlton Hotel in lower Manhattan. The conference, open only to Tiburon's "executive-level clients," will continue at the Ritz all day tomorrow, followed by dinner at Delmonico's, and then wrap up on Wednesday by mid-afternoon.

Featured speakers and panelists scheduled to take the main stage at the Tiburon event include: Roame himself; Mike Alfred, managing director of Strategic Insight; Brad Bernstein, managing partner of FTV Capital; Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard; John Bunch, president of Financial Engines Advisors; Roy Burns, managing director of TA Associates; John Coyne, vice chairman of Brinker Capital; Tom Dorsey, founder of Dorsey, Wright, & Associates; Ric Edelman, executive chairman of Edelman Financial Services; John Gabbert, CEO of Pitchbook Data; George Gatch, CEO of J.P. Morgan Asset Management; Jane Gladstone, senior managing director of Evercore Partners; Craig Gordon, chief of strategic development for correspondent and advisor services at RBC; Scott Hanson, co-CEO of Hanson McClain; Matt Harris, managing director of Bain Capital Ventures; Tim Harrison, CEO of Harrison Financial Services; Bob Herrmann, CEO of Discovery Data; Anton Honikman, CEO of MyVest Corporation; Aaron Klein, CEO of Riskalyze; Dennis Lockhart, former president of the Atlanta Fed; Don Phillips, managing director at Morningstar; Steve Piaker, co-business head of Financial Partners; Alex Potts, CEO of Loring Ward Group; Larry Raffone, CEO of Financial Engines; Skip Schweiss, president of TD Ameritrade Trust Company; Angie Stephenson, chief operating officer of ParenteBeard Wealth Management; Mark Tibergien, CEO of Pershing Advisor Solutions; Doug Trott, CEO of PriceMetrix; Frank Trotter, chairman of Everbank Global Markets; Nic Volpi, partner of Permira Advisors Limited; Elliot Weissbluth, CEO of HighTower; and Craig Wietz, president of First Rate.

Also tonight, the DST kasina team will kick off their 2017 DCIO Sales Roundtable with a dinner at the restaurant, Park Avenue, also located in Manhattan. The roundtable sessions will be held at Apella. Matthew Fronczke, head of distribution consulting and research at DST kasina, will give the keynote presentation.

Also today, the InvestmentNews team will host their Icons and Innovators Awards Luncheon at the Essex House, also in Manhattan. Pershing and Fidelity are lead sponsors of the lunch.

On Thursday afternoon at PricewarehouseCoopers in Boston, Fitzpatrick and his team will host the NICSA East Coast Regional Meeting. The theme is "Transforming the Industry Through Artificial Intelligence," and PWC and ComputerShare are sponsoring. Speakers and panelists scheduled to appear at the NICSA event include: Jeremy Achin, CEO and co-founder of DataRobot; Michelle Carlow, asset management consulting at Accenture; Wynn Davies, capital markets managing director at Accenture; Dan Fink, managing director of Money-Media; Hannah Glover, managing editor of Ignites; Stephen Lawrence, head of quantextual research at State Street Global Exchange; Jenna Switchenko, risk assurance director at PWC; Jon Theurkauf, head of performance excellence and head of the robotic process automation program at BNY Mellon; Slater Victoroff, CEO of Indico Data; and Greg Woolf, founder and CEO, Coalesce.Info and Vantage Software.

The Expect Miracles Foundation is also doing a New York-based event this week. On April 7, they're hosting a Kan Jam Classic fundraiser, as reported on by MFWire.  

Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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