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Rating:Week In Preview, July 29-August 4 Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 29, 2019

Week In Preview, July 29-August 4

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Today the team at Affiliated Managers Group (AMG) will release their Q2 earnings. Management will host an earnings call this morning, before the market opens.

Frank Heavey
Expect Miracles Foundation
Executive Director
Tomorrow the Investment Management Education Alliance (IMEA) team will kick off their second annual Portfolio Construction Roundtable with a networking dinner at a Bobby Van's Steakhouse in New York City. The main roundtable will be held on Wednesday at K&L Gates' offices.

Also tomorrow, the Artisan Partners team will release their Q2 earnings after the market closes. Management will host an earnings call on Wednesday morning, after the market opens.

Also tomorrow after the market closes, the Manning & Napier team will release their Q2 earnings. Management will host an earnings call shortly thereafter.

Also tomorrow, the team at Ivy parent Waddell & Reed will release their Q2 earnings in the morning, before the market opens. Management will host an earnings call after the market opens.

On Wednesday, the Diamond Hill team will release their Q2 earnings.

Also on Wednesday, the team at Great-West Lifeco (the Canadian parent of Putnam's parent, Great-West Lifeco U.S.) will release their Q2 earnings in the morning, before the market opens. Management will host an earnings call that afternoon, before the market closes.

Also on Wednesday morning before the market opens, the Janus Henderson team will release their Q2 earnings. Management will host an earnings call a bit later that morning, but still before the market opens.

Also on Wednesday, the team at PGIM parent Prudential will release their Q2 earnings in the afternoon, after the market closes. Management will host an earnings call Thursday morning, after the market opens.

Also on Wednesday afternoon, after the market closes, the team at MFS parent Sun Life will release their Q2 earnings. Management will host an earnings call Thursday morning, after the market opens.

On Thursday, the Expect Miracles Foundation team will host their 25th anniversary East Coast Classic at Pinehills Golf Course in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The event was rescheduled after being rained out in June.

Also on Thursday, after the market closes, the Legg Mason team will release their fiscal Q1 earnings. Management will host an earnings call shortly thereafter.

This week on the defined contribution side of the industry, the teams at Rekon, Resources, and WiPN are all hosting events, and two providers' parents are releasing earnings. Our sister publication, 401kWire, has more details

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